All poisons have a potency value (POT) that is matched against the CON of a poisoned character on the resistance table (see 3.4. The Resistance Table). Poison damage always affects hit points or one or more characteristics. If the poison overcomes a character’s CON, then its full POT is done as damage to their total hit points or a specified characteristic is lowered. If the poison does not overcome the character’s CON, it has a lessened effect—usually this means that half the poison’s POT (round up) is suffered as damage to the victim’s hit points or a characteristic.
Poison damage is usually not suffered on the same combat round in which a character is poisoned. The delay before poison damage takes effect depends upon the poison. Unless otherwise specified by the gamemaster, the delay is three combat rounds for fast-acting poisons, or three full turns for slower poisons.
Depending on the type of poison, the gamemaster may allow a Sense roll to detect the poison’s presence, if it is being fed to a character, disguised in food or drink. If ingesting more than one dose of a poison, the victim must make separate resistance rolls versus each one: two doses of a POT 10 poison are not the same as one dose of a POT 20 poison.
Poison Antidotes
Almost all poisons have antidotes. All antidotes have a POT rating, just like poisons. If a character takes a poison’s antidote within six full turns before being poisoned, the antidote’s POT is subtracted from the poison’s POT before damage is figured. An antidote for one type of poison may give a lessened benefit even when used with the wrong poison type, at the gamemaster’s discretion.
Unlike poison, multiple doses of the same antidote have no effect, and are applied to the poison effects on an individual basis.
- 6.1 Ambush
- 6.2 Backstab
- 6.3 Cover
- 6.4 Darkness
- 6.5 Disease
- 6.6 Drawing a Weapon
- 6.7 Falling
- 6.8 Firing into Combat
- 6.9 Knockout Attacks